Thursday, 1 September 2011


Copyright (c) Alemu Wolde-Michaél
"What is NOW?" Zara questions the Magus.

"In your direct experience, life is you this moment now. There is no life other than life now in your body. All others you see are life forms but not actual life in your being. You are perpetually now. The Big Bang and other such theories are assumptions arising in the mind, which is not the immediacy of NOW.”

“What is time,” she asks.

“Time is a circular projection perpetually arising in the NOW. In this immeasurable NOW, all time, past, present and future projects outward, in the slow movement of the mind seen as yesterday, today and tomorrow, next year, last century, last millennium. The mind is time which is past. The world, its projection through the brain, is also past. The present and future it projects comes out of the past in its need for re-creating more of itself. Human consciousness is at the dawning of this fact, hence the current turbulence in world structures appearing at this particular time.

Looking from stillness, it is perceived and understood according to one’s lights. This knowledge is already within everyone and everything taking life form on this planet. You and I are the universal, the great vastness beyond all limits. The void between the unknown and the mind cannot be bridged, it can only be understood when the inner ear opens to the oneness of God."

So spoke the Magus to Zara, the new woman of the earth, the woman who listened. Reading her story is an insight into the unknown and a key for transcendence to the next realm.

Copyright (c) Alemu Wolde-Michaél
available in eBook on Kindle/Amazon

Hardcover Book is available at Unibook

1 comment:

  1. “Before its time nothing can enter our consciousness in our existential world. It first becomes rejected because it is seen as a threat to the established structures built on the relative known. We as our structures oppose the new because our structures are based on the past.

    “We live in the past; even the future we perceive is an ongoing projection of past. The fear of the unknown prevails and so it continues through sequential events until eventually the unknown partly unfolds when the time is right.

    “History demonstrates this fact. When Galileo dared to voice that our planet was not as then perceived, he was ostracized by the power structures and obliged to refute his discovery.The prophets faced the same issue, the structures of their time banishing them, like the followers of Jesus driven underground by the interpretative minds creating their own version of his life and events as a means for restructuring control, peace upon all of them. It is exactly the same today; our scientists are our new high priests, still trapped within the narrow confines of mind.”

    So spoke the Magus to Zara. Reading her story is an enlightening experience.
